Friday, April 23, 2010

Here's the thing

My name is Haley Eldredge. I'm 19 years old and I live in Pleasant Grove with my family. I like to run, read, hang out with my family and friends and sing my lungs out. Nothing of real consequence happens to me and I don't know that I have much to say. I don't have a lot of strange adventures and I'm not a good enough writer to make even a dentist appointment sound exciting. I'm not one of those girls who has to put a period after every. single. word. It's a weird habit and makes me feel like I have asthma while I'm reading. I don't take amazing pictures so you probably shouldn't expect that either. I just graduated high school last year and I feel like my life is really getting started and there will be a lot of big changes in the near future and I want to make sure I have a way to remember it all. I hope this will be a blog where I can write down the things that I'm experiencing. It probably won't be too exciting, I'm not going to write my innermost feelings but if you wanna know what I'm up to you can find it here. I'm all about new experiences and trying new things and this blog is for the sole purpose of recording the years that, hopefully, will be some to remember.

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