Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Last year i started my first year of college at BYU and it was a blast. i met a ton of people there and learned a lot of new things. I lived in Bowen Hall and it will forever remain in my heart. I had some sweet roommates in room 16, Kelsey, Jordan, Morgan, Sarah and Sam, but it wasn't often that you could find me there. Shockingly, BYU was the first place in my life that i had to choose between friends that were making good decisions and friends that were doing things that i didn't want to do. That's why i spent most of my time in Bowen 12, where my newly found best friends, Katy and Marissa, lived. when i look back at my freshman year of college, i don't think that i did all the crazy, fun freshman things that a typical freshman would do but i sure did meet some people who changed my life. these friends reminded me of who i am and who i want to be. i think i spent a lot of time hanging with Harold making sure i got all my homework and studying done and occasionally a little extra reading on the side. marissa, katy and i made enough spaghetti to last a lifetime which produced enough bodily functions to probably kill a person. we loved to eat popcorn and watch our favorite tv show, chuck. most days we just spent talking but that was good enough for us. i made good friends with some of my fhe brothers and i'll never forget them for being some of my only friends when i first moved out. i got to live next to chadly so we usually walked to class together in the morning, that is, if he woke up on time. one of my favorite memories is gym kids and special olympics. i got the opportunity to help kids from the area who have special needs and it was one of the most rewarding parts of my college experience. overall, college was an amazing experience that helped me grow and learn a lot about myself. i was grateful to be able to do something none of my siblings have done before and show my younger siblings that they can do it, too. i love college. i can't wait to go back. And... I would put up pictures but it's too hard so you'll just have to imagine them.


  1. ok sooo love reading this and trying not to get caught at work tehee. your blog is so cute! how did you do all that fancy stuff. you make me look pathetic. this almost made me cry. i haven't had popcorn since i've been home. i always want to but it's just not the same. it looks like you're having a blast though. i am sooo happy for you. love you baby butt!!!!

  2. ok so another one because i just thought of it. this is me makes me think of camp rock and the song will officially be stuck in my head all day. so thanks.

  3. haha camp rock is precisely where it comes from. thank you for being my friend :) Love you! and your blog is super cute, too. plus, you're better at writing. if you click on the shabbyblog button in the top corner you can download a side thing for yours! love you!
